Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Welcome Baby Rae!

Welcome to the world, Baby Rae!

I am proud to announce that I am now officially a SAHM!
I ve just given birth to a Baby Girl - Rae this morning at 10.30am via emergency c-sec!

I didn't post anything about my pregnancy earlier as I wanted to be stress free of having to update. But I ve told myself that once Baby Rae is born, I will pen my pregnancy journey down!

But now am really sleepy/ tired and shall only update the details when I am better.

My precious bb, Baby Rae, I love you and will do my best to be a good mother, and you also must do your best to be a good daughter!


  1. Congrats!! I hope I can join you soon too la! :P

    Enjoy motherhood, looking forward to your entries .:p

  2. Hi

    Thanks for your well wishes!
    I am sure with determination and a "never give up" attitude, all our wishes can come true!
