Sunday, January 16, 2011

Laughter is the Best Medicine!

This statement is proven by the fertility study that beeing entertained by a clown right after in vitro fertilization could be baby-making gold, according to a study in the medical journal Fertility and Sterility.

The three-year-long study, by doctors at the Assaf Harofeh Medical Center in Zrifin, Israel, involved 219 women. Half of them were treated to a “medical clowning encounter” after having just undergone IVF.

Results showed that 36 percent of women who were treated to a 20-minute routine of jokes, magic tricks and other comedic acts after invitro became pregnant. In contrast, only 20 percent of the women in the group that wasn’t exposed to the routine got pregnant, according to the study.

The findings expand on research done by the study’s principal author, Dr. Shevach Friedler, a graduate of the Jacques Lecoq school of mime and theatre in Paris, France. "My background is in clowning and movement," he told in a 2006 interview. "I'm also a physician who works in IVF. I thought we could combine the two," he was quoted as saying.

The study holds promise for women seeking to get pregnant through in vitro fertilization and also identifies comedy as a key de-stressor during what could be, to patients, a harrowing medical procedure, Friedler told Reuters.

"Patients suffering from infertility undergoing IVF are exceptionally stressed. So I thought that this intervention could be beneficial for them at the crucial moments after embryo transfer," he is quoted as saying.

While medical clowns have usually been associated with pediatric care, their use with adult patients is on the rise, according to the website, Aheart4clowning.

The Israeli study concludes that clowning in conjunction with IVF may buoy pregnancy rates and needs further analysis.


  1. It is interesting that in the same period of time another research in the UK said that stress has no impact on the result of an IVF cycle. I do not even like the world stress actually, but I believe that our emotions have a huge impact on our health, including fertility. I am using the tools from the book The Fertile Female by Julia Indichova and I came to realize that if we have something not sorted inside us, it will affect our chances of procreating. I've also joined her support group, which consists of a series of telephone classes that are scheduled to accommodate different times zone. I have read your website and felt so many similarities between your story and my story. Perhaps you could gain something by looking at Julia's website, It might give you some insight or just support for your journey.

    Thank you for writing your story, I came across this website by chance when looking for information on IVF cycles (one of those crazy moments when I think that the Internet can have 'the' solution... and enjoyed reading it.)


  2. Hey Jo,
    Thanks for your comments.
    I will certainly check out "fertile heart" website for support and inspiration.
    I used to think that I am a "super women" who can multi task and accomplish assignments and handle stress easily.
    But my body seems to be making complains now after many years of "over usage" .........
    Especially after 3 losses (m/c), I think I should take my body signal seriously.
    I should learn to take things really slowly and change my mind set.
    As you ve read in my latest postings that I ve quitter my job as I would like to reduce unnecessary stress.
    Why should we be too bothered about work when our health and family should be priority?
    Let me sort out my health/ fertility and family issues then I will pursue other secondary matters, maybe career etc ........

  3. I agree. I shifted from one type of job that took too much of my time and energy to a simpler job. At first I thought I was crazy (and I think many still think I am) but I discovered the pleasure of having time for more things, for my health and my wellbeing. On the other hand I fell into the trap of trying to be 'totally ready' for an IVF cycle and this, I know, will never happen. I better start being compassionate with myself, give it a try when I think it is a reasonable time, do my best and do not feel guilty if things once again do not turn out as I'd like to.
    I wish you all the best. I believe you are on the right track, keep going!


  4. Hi Jo,

    Thks for your post and I feel encouraging receiving such message.

    I am currently in a doubtful stage about my job quitting decision to be a SAHHM, so such assurance and supports from family and friends (including cyber space ones) are really important.

    If your would like to keep in touch with me privately, pls write to me at
