Monday, January 31, 2011

Lending a Helping Hand

Last Fri evening, while I was doing my usual exercise, I saw this heavily preggy lady trying really hard to push a stroller as her 3 year old daughter was on it.

Without any hesitation, I went up to her to offer to help her push the stroller as we're heading towards the same direction.
She told me that she's of Thai nationality while her husband is British and they used to live in HK before moving to SG.

Then her husband called to inform that he'd be arriving soon and would be able to pick her & kiddo up.
As we were nearing the shop house of eateries, her angmoh hubby appeared to take over from me.

The husband was really thankful towards me for rendering a helping hand when the preggy wife was in need.

I felt really happy with what I did.
Its a wonderful feeling to be able to help ..........

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