Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Malaysia Bank Account

Last Fri, since it was a Good Fri holiday in SG, RY came to KL (we didnt go to Ipoh as planned since his parents are coming to KL instead)and he brought me to the bank to set up a joint account with me so that I can have easy access to Malaysian currency to spend during my stay in MY.

The bank not only issued me an ATM card but it comes with VISA Debit card function which will link to the bank account to deduct any VISA purchase.

I am really pleased as its one card with dual functions.

Having a bank account in MY may imply my prolong stay here .......


  1. Hi Babe,

    I'm good to hear ypu have quit your job. Hopefully, your get to concentrate on getting pregnant. :) I just went for my 2nd D&C this week. Another big hit for me. I'm contemplating to quit my job and concentrate on ttc as well. Hai.

  2. Tai Tai

    I am sorry to hear about your loss.
    I can fully understand how u feel.
    Pls have a good rest, eat well and continue to remain positive!
    We should be reaching our goal very soon ........., just that we gotta be patient.

    I am enjoying my life as a SAHHM!
    This is a long deserve holiday after working for so many years and also been thru so much during the baby quest journey.
    I had struggled to make this drastic decision to be jobless.
    You may wanna think carefully if you wanna be a SAHHM ........
