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The following is a list supplements for fertility that support reproductive health and that when integrated to a healthy diet and life style can greatly increase your chances of getting pregnant quickly:
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a water soluble anti-oxidant and protects fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A and E from being oxidized. So it works best when taken in combination with other anti-oxidants. Women should avoid high dose of vitamin C because it can dry up cervical fluid, preventing sperm from reaching the egg. Vitamin C improves hormone levels and increases fertility in women with luteal phase defect. The recommended amount in women is less than 500 mg. Among all the vitamins for women, Vitamin C is one of the most important because it helps absorb Iron. Make sure you look for a natural source of Vitamin C like from Acerola berries.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is essential for fertility and reproduction. The recommended amount is 400-800 IU per day. Talk to your doctor prior to starting Vitamin E, particularly if you are currently taking aspirin or other blood thinners. Vitamin E is also very useful to women as it seems to prevent miscarriages.
Note: Make sure your vitamin E comes from a 100% natural form of vitamin E that is in the all natural d-alpha Tocopherol form. Synthetic forms of vitamin E are not well assimilated and metabolized by the body. Vitamins for fertility should always come from natural sources.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is essential for the utilization of proteins, minerals, and other vitamins. The best sources for Vitamin A can be found in Cod Liver Oil. Vitamin A has important antioxidant properties, and the consequences of Vitamin A deficiency during pregnancy can be devastating. Vitamin A is essential for healthy eyes in babies. Do not take high doses of vitamin A if you are trying to get pregnant because it can cause birth defects. Please, consult with a qualified nutritionist. Supplements for fertility often contain Beta-carotene, which does not carry any risks. When vitamin A is in the form of retinol you should not take more than 2,500-5,000IU. It has been found that retinol can cause birth defects if taken in excess of 10,000IU a day during pregnancy. Retinol should not be consumed before conception in high doses. Many creams contain retinol. This compound enters your body through your skin and it accumulates in your liver. Check your cosmetics!
Beta Carotene
Beta Carotene is a pigment present in vegetables like sweat potatoes and carrots and is converted into vitamin A in the human body. Beta carotene is present in high concentration in the corpus luteum and is a key supplement in the regulation of hormones and women's reproductive cycle.
Vitamin B Complex
When people think about vitamins for women, the B vitamins is what comes to mind first. Take a good B-complex supplement that supplies 25 to 50 milligrams of each of the major B vitamins daily. These vitamins for women are vital in restoring hormonal balance. Vitamin B6 can help women who are having problems conceiving, as this vitamin helps balance progesterone levels. Make sure you take all the vitamin of the B complex to prevent imbalances from occurring as these vitamins are meant to work together.
Folic Acid
This is one of those supplements for fertility and pregnancy that you cannot go without. Folic acid is known to prevent spina bifida in your future baby. This nutrient is very important to take before becoming pregnant and through pregnancy. Folate is just one B vitamin of the B-complex and should be taken in conjunction with Vitamin B12 especially. All the others B vitamins that make up the B-Complex are necessary to insure optimum health. The recommended dosage for folic acid is from 400 mcg up to 1 mg a day.
Para-aminobenzoic acid or PABA is part of the B-Complex family. This compound is essential in increasing pregnancy in women with mineral and vitamins deficiencies. To treat infertility, the recommended dosage is 400mg a day.
Essential Fatty Acids
Essential fatty acids, found in black currant seed oil, borage oil, evening primrose oil, and flaxseed oil, are required for normal glandular activity. EFA are especially important for women who are following a low-fat diet. Take 500 to 1,000 milligrams of any of these oils two or three times daily.
Omega 3 EFAs
Omega 3 Fish oil is very important for the female reproductive wellness. Omega 3 fish oil helps maintain a healthy hormonal balance, aids in infertility by increasing the quality of fertile mucus and its production, prevents miscarriages and pregnancy complications. It also helps brain, eye and nervous system development in the foetus during gestation. When taken during breastfeeding, Omega 3 fish oil helps prevent postpartum depression and contributes to increase IQ in breastfed babies.
Flaxseed Oil
Flaxseed oil is a wonderful food supplement to promote fertility. This is an important essential fatty acid that can be safely taken during pregnancy and during the second half of your cycle if you are trying to conceive. It is used to treat menstrual cramps, infertility and endometriosis. Flaxseed oil contains hormone-balancing lignans and plant estrogens, called phytoestrogens, that help stabilize a woman's estrogen-progesterone ratio. In addition, the essential fatty acids in flaxseed oil can inhibit prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that, when released in excess amounts during menstruation, can cause the heavy bleeding associated with endometriosis. DHATaking docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) prior to conception ensures optimum brain development. DHA is an EFA that helps with the formation of the brain in utero. It also has important anti-inflammatory properties helping decrease dysmenorrhea and endometriosis. Recommended daily dose is 400mg. Should be taken with vitamin E.
Mineral Supplements for Fertility
Among all the vitamins for women, calcium is definitely a very important one especially in preparation for conception because it helps build up calcium stores needing during pregnancy. Calcium also helps to alkalize the body, which is favorable to the sperm and fertilized egg. For optimal health, women need at least 1,500 mg of calcium a day.
The most important function of zinc is to play a role in the synthesizes of nucleic acids DNA and RNA, which are essential during cell division, tissue repair and embryo development. It is important to have adequate zinc during pregnancy to prevent miscarriages, low birth weight and birth defects. The recommended daily dose is 25-30 mg.
Chromium is the major mineral involved in insulin production, a lack of this mineral interferes with glucose metabolism. Chromium supplementation can improve glucose tolerance factor related to polycystic ovary dysfunction. The recommended dosage is 400-600 mcg per day.
Iodine is a very important mineral that supports thyroid functions. A lack of this mineral in your diet can lead to low thyroid function and decreased fertility.
Many multi vitamins for women contain iron because iron is considered essential as a blood building nutrient that helps increase fertility by supporting ovulation. The best form of iron is from a whole food supplement. Synthetic versions tend to be constipating. Women need around 30 mg if deficient. Do not take iron with calcium. Iron is best taken separate from your other vitamins.
More Key Supplements for Fertility
L-Arganine is an amino acid important blood flow to the uterus, ovaries and genitals. It is used in women to create a healthy environment in the uterus for embryo implantation. It increases the quality of cervical mucus increasing the production of stretchy, egg-white-like fertile mucus.
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Many women suffer from Candida infestation. Some do not even know they do. Taking acidophilus supplementation every day will help control Candida overgrow, but also prevents yeast infection during pregnancy and post partum. Many cases of vaginal thrush during pregnancy develop into oral thrush in newborn babies. This can be prevented simply by taking acidophilus supplementation. Please do!
Selenium is an antioxidant that helps to protect your body from highly reactive chemical fragments called free radicals. For this reason, selenium can prevent chromosome breakage, which is known to be a cause of birth defects and miscarriages. Good levels of selenium are also essential to maximise sperm formation. Blood selenium levels have been found to be lower in men with low sperm counts.
Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil is more of a herbal product, but it is often listed as part of important vitamins for women. It is commonly used to alleviate pre-menstrual syndrome, It also helps in the production of fertile quality cervical mucus. If you are trying to get pregnant do not take Evening primrose oil after ovulation because it can cause uterine contractions. Make sure you are charting your fertility signs to know when you are ovulating. The recommended dosages are 1500 - 3000mg per day.
Digestive Enzymes
Many people suffer from impaired digestion and do not assimilate nutrient effectively. Taking digestive enzymes ensures full utilization of all nutrients
Summary Table: Nutrients for You & Your Partner
Folic acid 400mcg 400mcg
Zinc 30mg 30mg
Selenium 100mcg 100mcg
Fish oil 1000mg 1000mg
Vitamin B6 up to 50mg up to 50mg
Vitamin B12 up to 50mcg up to 50mcg
Vitamin E 300-400iu 300-400iu
Vitamin C 1000mg 1000mg
Vitamin A up to 2300iu -
Manganese 5mg 5mg
L-arginine - 300mg
L-carnitine - 100mg
L-Taurine - 100mg
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This is an interesting post. Calotren is essentially a weight-loss supplement but if you can also look younger besides losing weight, then it is surely worth its weight in gold. You should however, have the patience of taking Calotren regularly for 90 days along with exercise and a balanced diet.