Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bad Fall

I just had a fall while doing my evening jog. The fall is rather bad - bruises on my left knee, both arms and chipped lips ....... blood all over my t-shirt.

Nobody came to help me eventho they saw me fell and they just walk pass me ........

I didnt cry and manage to walk back home to wash up and dress my wounds!
I told myself that this fall is nothing compared to the multiple loss of my precious bb and D&C which I've gone through .........
I ignored the glances and stares from the passer-bys and just continued walking home ......
I've stopped running (but I still do constant brisk walking) for a few months due to the knee problem but yesterday I started to jog as I felt my knee was better so today I went running again.
Maybe it was a bad decision to run consecutively for 2 days after such a long break from jogging ..........
Once I reached home, RY was very worried as I was covered in blood and wanted to send me to a doc to check if stitching is required on my badly chipped lips.
He also get the antiseptic wash for me and help me dressed my wounds after my shower.
Its nice to have a loving hubby to look after you when you're sick or injured ..........
Thanks RY!

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